Fallatól - Functional Tools
A collection of Kapunga's personal micro-libraries. Cross build where possible to all Scala platforms (JVM, JS, and Native) for Scala versions 2.12, 2.13, and 3.
What are these Micro-Libraries?
Fallatól is a collection of micro-libraries stemming from patterns I've found myself repeating over and over when I start a new toy Scala project. Collecting theses micro-libraries reduces the amount of time spent copy-pasting code when new toy projects are started. It also gives space to develop and refine half-baked ideas, collecting them into a single place, rather than scattered across half a dozen abandoned exploratory projects.
Additionally, writing and publishing these micro-libraries are a learning experience in and of itself, offering an opportunity to practice setting up projects in SBT, configuring CI, writing and publishing documentation, ensuring adequate code coverage by testing, keeping dependencies up to date, etc.
These micro-libraries are primarily intended to support my personal projects and learning. That being said, I will be making an effort for them easily usable by others, via documentation and publishing. If you find any of them to be helpful or would like to see an additional feature that would support your use case, let me know!
Things these Micro-Libraries are not
- Production Ready - Although I am endeavoring to make these libraries well tested and bug free, I can't offer a guarantee that they fully ready for prime time in production use.
- Full Featured - Since these micro-libraries stem from use cases in toy projects and experiments, they likely won't comprehensively cover the use cases in the domain they are meant to address. If you do find yourself wishing that they had a feature to support a use case that you find valuable, do not hesitate to open an issue and I'll be more than happy to see what I can do about adding it!
Current Micro-Libraries
A collection of implicits used with the sconfig library, providing a get
method to Config
that is generic and referentially transparent.
A prototype library for interacting with Ollama.
Planned Micro-Libraries
- Slack connector library
Fallatól is a mashup for the Icelandic words 'fall' meaning a function in programming, and tól meaning tool(s). Icelandic is a rare enough language that using it in a library name is highly likely to avoid name collisions. Also, I'm part Icelandic and have started learning the language.