Fallatól Ollama
A prototype library for interacting with Ollama.
Note: This library is under development and is mostly receiving updates as I have need of the provided functionality. Feature requests are more than welcome!
Add to your project's build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "org.fallatol" %% "fallatol-ollama" % "0.3.0"
Read some configs:
import fallatol.ollama._
import fallatol.ollama.client._
// Create a client
val ollama = SyncOllamaClient()
// Use a client
val chatRequest = ChatRequest(Model.Llama3_2, Seq(Message.User("Say 'Hello World' but as a haiku.")))
val response = ollama.chat(chatRequest)
response.foreach(r => println(r.message.content))
// World, I greet you now
// Digital words dance with joy
// Hello, you are here,